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Cheryl Swope, an educator who has created an entire curriculum designed for children with special needs (available through Memoria Press), used to receive one to two emails a week from families curious to know if providing a classical education for their special needs child was possible. Now, following the upheaval of COVID-19, she’s receiving at 网络加速器伋理


Welcome to the last installment in this weeks homeschooling series! So far we’ve covered: How to Start Homeschooling Your Elementary Student How to Start Homeschooling Your Teenager How to Start Homeschooling Your Special Needs Child How to Homeschool During Difficult Circumstances And now today I answer the seven questions I get the most from people Read More


Welcome back to my ongoing series of posts for anyone considering homeschooling, and for homeschooling parents who need a fresh perspective. Today I’m writing about a type of homeschooling I’m especially qualified to write about: homeschooling through difficult circumstances. Now, of course there are many horrible tragedies my family has not undergone, but we’ve experienced 加速器


On Monday I covered elementary students. Tuesday I tackled teenagers. Today I’m talking about the most complex group of kids; those labeled “special needs”. Regardless of your child’s physical, intellectual, or mental disabilities, he will be lumped into the ambiguous “special needs” category. Even though the actual needs of these kids will vary wildly, I’m Read More


Yesterday’s post introduced the basics to homeschooling your elementary student. Today’s post will build on that and let you know how homeschooling a teenager (in middle school or high school) is similar to, AND VERY DIFFERENT FROM, homeschooling your younger kids. If this is your first year homeschooling, read yesterday’s post. It will give you 手机p站加速器

How to Start Homeschooling Your Elementary School Student

Lots of people are thinking about homeschooling for the coming academic year. As a homeschooling/ multischooling mom of five with 14 years experience under my belt for all grades, I’m going to do my best this week to give you the practical advice you need, in an orderly manner, so you can begin homeschooling with Read More

{SQT} Jobs, Early Planning, and Homeschool Writing

I’ve been working on a crap ton of posts for next week (a.k.a. homeschool post bonanza!) so I’m not feeling the takes so much this week BUT I’m going to try to get something down anyway and stop when it gets rambly. First- Addie and Byron got jobs! WOOT! I knew I wanted them to Read More

{SQT} Surfside and Statues

We did things this week so it’s not such a struggle to type up some takes. What a relief. Last weekend I hacked down a ton of branches from the evergreen trees that border our backyard. They, like most of the landscaping, were very overgrown and much of our yard space was taken up with Read More

{SQT} How I’m Still Spending Time At Home With The Kids

The good news is, the air conditioning is finally fixed on our van. The bad news is, not having a van for the week meant no beach trip. But we’re planning on visiting the shore next Tuesday so hopefully the weather cooperates. (Affiliate links below- you’ve been warned!) I managed to get the kids hooked pixiv手机加速器


Last summer at this time, our calendar was a blur of events and lines indicating camps, vacations, festivals, local events, etc. Now, our July is practically empty. Despite months of cancelled events, I still can’t get used to all the white space on our calendar. We did learn that our town will have it’s annual Read More

{SQT} No Party But Celebrating No Surgery For Now

And just like that, it’s the end of June and Fulton gets ready to turn 12 on Sunday. It seems weird, because for so much of the quarantine, it felt as if time was standing still. But, time marches on, and already the days are getting shorter. Missing from this June is our annual Nativity Read More

{SQT} Quiet June Takes

Happy Feast of the Sacred Heart! Quick- cut some hearts out of Fruit Roll Ups and throw them at your kids to instill a love of the liturgical year! (Maybe also watch/ attend Mass to make reparation for my bad idea.) Father’s Day is Sunday and I was trying to come up with a funny Read More


1. We are officially done with school for the year. Fulton and Teddy finished all their work last week, and this week I am correcting, grading, and updating transcripts for the older three. There are a few things the older three are redoing or finishing for me, but it’s basically been a week of tying p站免费加速器

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